Blue's Clues

Blue's Clues

Synopsis of Saturday Morning Show

What does Blue want to do? Ask any pre-schooler and he'll tell you—it's all in the clues.

Blues' Clues centered around adorable, mottled blue puppy "Blue," who panted gleefully through a computer-animated world. Blue placed her paw prints on clues for people to guess "what Blue wants to do." It was up to the pre-school audience to figure out what that was.

Helping the kids at home with their detective work was a live-action host named Steve. In every episode, Blue left three clues, which Steve used to discover what Blue was up to.

In addition to the title pooch, Blue's Clues co-starred a number of other animated characters, all of whom both entertained and educated. In every episode, Blue led Steve through the kitchen of Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper, who encouraged children to learn about the world around them. Other characters included alarm clock Tickety, a sand bucket and shovel, a mailbox, and some very cute animated animals.

Blues' Clues premiered on Nickelodeon in 1996 and continues to have a strong following among the younger set.

Release History

9/9/96 - ? Nickelodeon

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TV Studio


Television Cast

Steve Steve Burns

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