

Synopsis of Saturday Morning Show

Astronaut John Blackstar was sucked through a black hole and awakened to find himself stranded on the planet Sagar. Since he had never heard of this planet, John figured he would never see earth again and settled in to his new life on Sagar. Unfortunately, a major part of this new life was fighting evil.

The planet was ruled by the Overlord of the Underworld who had enslaved most of the inhabitants, ruling them with the might given to him by the Power Stone. Somehow, the same force that transported Blackstar to the planet had also split the stone in half, turning one half into the power sword (posessed by the Overlord) and the other half into the Star Sword (posessed by Blackstar). The displaced rocketman fought the Overlord and his armies with the help of his friends: a sorceress named Mara, a shapshifter named Klone, and Blackstar's steed, a dragon by the name of Warlock. Also ready to lend a hand were the Trobbits, a band of tree-dwelling dwarves who spoke in very high-pitched voices.

Originally, the character Blackstar was supposed to have been a black man, but he was soon changed into a white guy with a really nice tan. Why? The world may never know, as the show left the air after only one season.

Release History

9/12/81 - 9/11/82 CBS

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Television Cast

Blackstar George DiCenzo
Balkar Pat Pinney
Terra Pat Pinney
Klone Pat Pinney
Gossemear Frank Welker
Burble Frank Welker
Rif Frank Welker
Carpo Alan Oppenheimer
Overlord Alan Oppenheimer
Mara Linda Gary

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