Benji, Zax, and The Alien Prince

Benji, Zax, and The Alien Prince

Synopsis of Saturday Morning Show

In this series, starring “America’s most huggable hero” Benji, the wonderpooch befriended alien child Prince Zubi and his robot Zax as they escaped to Earth from a faraway planet.

Together, the three tried to keep one step ahead of the goons sent by the planet's evil ruler, who sought to recapture the child prince. Benji one-upped even Lassie with this venture, since the collie could never write "interplanetary peace defender" on his mile-long resume.

Dog actor Benji was a homeless cocker/poodle mix rescued from an animal shelter before catapulting to stardom in the 1960’s primetime sitcom Petticoat Junction. Not content with ensemble work, Benji began a film career in 1974 with a self-titled movie. Among his accolades was being named to the Animal Actors Hall of Fame.

Benji, Zax, and the Alien Prince was taped in Dallas, and actually starred Benji’s look-alike daughter. The short-lived show was the only live-action program of the 1983-84 Saturday morning season.

Release History

09/17/83 - 08/25/84 CBS

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TV Studio

Warner Bros.

Television Cast

Benji Herself
Prince Yubi Chris Burton
Zax Rig Spiegel (voice)

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