UK viewers we were recently treated to 100 Greatest Toys.
Maybe a few suprises in their from some of the votes but no suprise Lego was number 1
Certainly few will argue that Monopoly in at number 2 as the greatest board game ever. additionally great to see Scrabble and Risk along with Cluedo (Clue) making the top 30
It’s also great to see Meccano and Hornby trains making the top 20
The poll was run by online and an opinion poll combined to make the final result
Below is the comprehensive list with greater details on the links
The question is do you agree with this list?
Have they missed your favourite toy?
Any suprises in the list?
Let us know by commenting below
Anyway here is the list of the top 100 toys and games.
1 Lego
2 Monopoly
3 Dungeons and Dragons
4 Wii
5 Nintendo consoles
6 Playstation consoles
7 Scrabble
8 Scalextric
9 Trivial pursuit
10 Game Boy
11 Star wars toys
12 Transformers
13 Microsoft X-Box
14 He-Man & Masters of the
15 Cluedo
16 Meccano
17 Hornby train set
18 Connect 4
19 Airfix
20 Action man
21 Matchbox cars
22 Etch a sketch
23 Teddy bear
24 Rubik cube
25 Atari consoles
26 Play-doh
27 Plasticene
28 Subbuteo
29 Spirograph
30 Risk
31 Roller skates
32 Top trumps
33 Yo-yo
34 Teenage mutant ninja
35 Chemistry Set
36 Twister
37 Pokemon
38 Battleship
39 Hot Wheels
40 Mousetrap game
41 Sylvanian families
42 Fuzzy Felt
43 Jenga
44 Frisbee
45 Pictionary
46 Chopper Bike
47 Barbie
48 Mastermind
49 Yahtzee
50 Playmobil Play people
51 Slinky
52 Operation
53 Super soaker water pistol
54 Tamagotchi
55 Game of life
56 Tonka toys
57 Space hopper
58 My little pony
59 Kerplunk
60 Care bears
61 007 Aston martin
62 Mr Potato head
63 Evel Knievel stunt set
64 Hungry hippos
65 Thunderbirds toys
66 Hula hoop
67 Sindy doll
68 Tiny tears
69 Buckaroo
70 Power Rangers
71 Buzz Lightyear Action
72 TY beanie babies
73 Six million dollar man
74 Furby
75 Escape From Colditz
76 Polly Pocket
77 Simon
78 Cabbage patch kids
79 Weebles
80 Trolls
81 Stylophone
82 Girls world
83 Crossfire
84 Tickle Me Elmo
85 Stretch Armstrong
86 Magna doodle
87 Dr Who Cyberman mask
88 Pop-O-matic Games
89 Clackers
90 Johnny 7 machine gun
91 Beyblades
92 Striker
93 Pippa Doll
94 Peter Powell kites
95 Bratz dolls
96 Major Matt Mason action
97 Ben 10 Action Figures
98 Holly hobbie
99 Teletubbies
100 Raving Bonkers
Have they missed your greatest toy or game?
Let us know what you think below…
The biggest suprise was to see the borad game Risk at number 30 – love that game but never realised it was so mainstream
What about
Mon Chi Chis
Shrinky dinks
Well. I see the modern generation has managed to invade my memories with this 100 greatest list.
Fair enough
Rainbow Brite Toys –
Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer –
Rainbow Brite Animation –
my little pony friendshp is magic is one of the best things i still like and iam 15
Erector sets and tinkertoys? HO cars and trains? Swing sets? Footballs, baseballs and basketballs? Bicycles? Skateboards?
Does anyone remember the little plastic dragon toys where u push their stomach and it pops a dice inside to answer a question? I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the toy and I can’t even find pictures of one. Please help!!
My top faves are not on the list. Absolutely loved Major Morgan, Keeper Toy with key, and Perfection Board Game. My boys 13 and 10 think they looked like cool toys in 80s.Dawn.
Don’t remember the real spelling. I think it was called “ally up”
It was blue or gray a peg was in back
of it you put a marble in front on the bottom and rock it back and forth to make the marble go up.
I was born in 1956. and i had this one toy that i guess it was a clown that was made of these round wafer layers of round wafers that were strung or wired together by a hole in the middle . it was mostly baby blue, and the round wafer’s were the size of between a quarter and half dollar, i think there were little bells on the plastic doll like figure, it was maybe 7,8, or 9 inches tall, just a head, and body put together with plastic wafers with string.
I was 5 years old when i remember that toy.