The Game of GO

The Board Game of GO

One of the few times I’ve been thoroughly confused was the time a friend invited me round for an afternoon of playing Go. He says, can you play go?, i say yes I’ve played go a few times in my life, shall i bring my game?. He says no don’t worry Ive a set of go, see you at two.

Now alarm bells should of wrung when he said “Set of Go” as surely its a “Game of Go”

The Board Game of GOAs you can imagine the game he was referring to was the Chinese game of go, similar to Reversi or Othello, but a huge board with 100s of black or white stones. I thought we were talking about the 1964 Travel Board Game by Waddington’s for 2 to 6 players.


‘Go’, the board game of world travel, is one of Waddington’s iconic board games from the 1960’s. The game consisted of Travel Tickets, Traveller’s Cheques, Location Cards, ‘Risk’ Cards, ‘Luck’ Cards.

The purpose of the game is to start your journey from London and journey around the world, collecting souvenirs from different countries, and return to London before your opponents do. The game has a real nostalgic feel as much of the international traveling and graphics look beautifully dated and ooze a vintage sixties feel to it all.

It seems that this Travel board game has almost disappeared out of existence unlike the Chinese game of go.

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