Guinness Book of Record Breakers Album

If i said Norris McWhirter or Roy Castle in the seventies. You would immediately think of Record breakers if you lived in the UK. In other parts you may now be wondering what I’m going on about. In fact it was record Breakers that first enlightened me as to how outrageous people could get in USA. It seemed everything was bigger and better in the states. For example the longest domino run or the fastest snail. In the days when Robert Craig Knievel (October 17, 1938 – November 30, 2007), better known as Evel Knievel was jumping buses and smashing records every kid wanted to be a record breaker.

Record Breakers Collector's Sticker AlbumSo today i wanted to remember the sticker collection that came from the amazing record breaking programme.


The Album costs 20p and the stickers came in packs of 6 for 5 p

With records were divided into 12 sections namely:

  • The Human Being
  • Animal Kingdom
  • The Natural World
  • The Universe and Space
  • The Scientific World
  • The Arts and Entertainment
  • The World’s Structures
  • The Mechanical World
  • The Business World
  • The Human World
  • “Human Achievements
  • Sports, Games and Pastimes

I was always keen to find out the longest word in Scrabble or the longest game of monopoly. Of course this gave me a new zeal next time i shook the dice and “advanced to go”.

Released in 1978 it was officially called Guinness Book of Record Breakers Collector’s Album

Published by F.K.S Publishers Ltd., Warwick House, 334 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 2QN

Printed by Severn Valley Press in association with Visa Press Ltd.

One thought on “Guinness Book of Record Breakers Album

  1. I also collected this. It was great. The last one I needed was the woman who fell off the Clifton Suspension Bridge and survived.

    How many stickers were there altogether?

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