Space 1999

How cool was this toy. Based on Space 1999, it was the first attempt since the demise of Star Trek in 1969 at producing a large-scale weekly science fiction series, and the show drew a great deal of visual inspiration (and technical expertise) from the Stanley Kubrick classic 2001: A Space Odyssey. The show’s special effects director Brian Johnson had in fact previously worked on both Thunderbirds (as Brian Johncock) and 2001.He  was clearly influenced by the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. It suspected that the Eagle spacecraft design influenced the spaceship designs of Star Wars and other science fiction films and television series
Space 1999 Eagle Transporter

Space 1999 Eagle Transporter

It was the last in a long line of successful science-fiction series that the Andersons produced as a working partnership, beginning with Supercar in the early Sixties and including the famed marionette fantasy series Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, and Joe 90, as well as the gritty live-action alien-invasion drama UFO.


Space 1999 Eagle Purpose

The Space 1999 Eagle Transporter is a fictional spacecraft and the iconic image of the 1970s television series. The Eagles serve as the primary spacecraft of Moonbase Alpha, which has a fleet of them. The Eagles are primarily used to explore alien planets, defend Moonbase Alpha from attack, and to transport supplies and other items to and from the Moon.

Space: 1999 owes much of the visual design to pre-production work for a never-made second series of UFO which would have featured a more extensive Moonbase. It has since become a cult classic, and is available on DVD.


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