Rediscover Movie Maker Board Game the rare monopoly game in the Hollywood world.
Any one ever played the rare board game from Parker or Palitoy called Movie Maker? In summary it was a type of monopoly game in the Hollywood world. With the need to buy directors and actors, scenes and cinemas, the game provided a lot of fun.
It was designed for 2 to 6 players and each had a large coloured movie camera as there piece for play.There were also 6 Oscar figures, plastic with a layer of faux chrome that often peeled slightly off on every playing of the game. There is a stack of paper money. The Movie Maker cards are nice and sturdy, with sharp corners. The drawings and artwork on them very appealing too, evocative of the golden era of Hollywood.
Back in 1968 this was unveiled to the world. Though my introduction to playing it was several years later in the mid seventies when it was a friends family favourite.
The layout of the board and the fact that you roll two six-sided dice to move your pawn around a track causes most people to make the inevitable comparison to Monopoly. After throwing two dice and moving your camera the number of squares, the player discoveres the consequences of the square it ends up on.Like Monopoly instead of passing “Go” to collect your money, you pass “Box Office”, and money is all important.
To win the game you need to complete movies and make money – the most money wins. As movies generate income for you, there is great urgency to get a complete movie out fast. To make a movie you need a story, a director, a male star, a female star, and the required number of location units which is stipulated by the story.
The stories, directors and stars are all part of the same deck of cards, called the “Production” deck. This deck is shuffled and placed face down at the beginning of the game. You get to draw a card from this deck when you land on a square that says “Take Production Card”. Location cards may be purchased when you land on a square that says “Location Units Available”. There are four such squares on the board, offering either one or two location units. These are not auctioned off if you don’t want them. You may purchase them and then sell them to another player though. There is also a square that says “Location Unit License Lost” which, if you are unlucky enough to land on, requires that you return a location card for no compensation. If you do not have any location cards, there is no effect. Locations cards that have already been used to complete a film are not considered, only the unused location cards in your possession.
Stories, directors and stars may have different box office values (and different face values), and the combinations affect the total value of a film. An Epic is worth more on completion (5 million) than a Comedy (3 million), or a Western (2 million). Directors fall into one of four classes, with the first class directors being worth the most, and the fourth class directors being worth the least. The box office value a certain class of director adds to a film is constant, it does not depend on the type of film it is. Stars are different in this regard. Their box office values for the 6 different genres (Epic, Historical, Comedy, Musical, Western, Horror) are listed on their cards, and vary considerably. Thus, obtaining the right stars for a given story will yield the best return. However, you don’t want to wait too long to make that perfectly matched movie, or you might fall behind.
As soon as you meet the requirements, you can group the cards together and place them as a completed film in front of you. There is no limit to the number of completed films you may have, but you may never remove any cards from a completed film. Every time you pass box office, you receive 10% of the completion (total box office) value of each completed film you have.There is a square on the board that rewards you with an Oscar, if you have at least one completed film (which does not already have an Oscar). Having an Oscar on a film increases it’s box office value, meaning more cash every time you pass box office.
There are various other squares on the board that either help or hinder. Some reward you with a donation from a sponsor, another causes you to lose a star. There is a “Sponsor Charity Performance” square that costs you money if you land on it, but rewards you with a card that you can redeem for four times the amount if you later land on another “Charity Performance” square. There is even a square (“Box Office Flop”) that causes you to lose your last completed film (if you have one).
There are also 6 distribution company squares, each representing a different distribution company. If you land on such a square and the relevant distribution company has not yet been purchased, you may purchase it. If it has been purchased, any other player landing on it must pay the owner a base rental fee plus an additional amount for every completed film they have. In addition, the value of each of your completed films is increased for each distribution company that you own.
The game ends when a player draws the last card (there are 48 of them) from the production deck. The player drawing the last card is allowed to purchase it and use it to complete a film, or else it is auctioned and the winning player is then also allowed to use it to complete a film. The total value of each players assets is then calculated and added to the amount of money they have. The player with the highest total is the winner.
This game is a real delight and a trip down memory lane for anyone that remembers playing it.
Additional info – THE RULES of THE GAME
You are a film producer and your aim is to make top quality
and successful films. Having done so you then try and make
as much money as you can through the box office. If your
film makes an Oscar so much the better. If it is a flop —oh
To make a film you need a Film Story, a Director, a Male
Film Star, a Female Film Star, and of course the relevant
number of Location Units.
All Films, Directors and Film Stars are available to you in
different values. This means that if, for example, you make
an Epic Story which is the top value film with Epic Film
Stars and a first class Director, it will earn you more money at
the box office than a Comedy Story with a mixture of stars.
As the game proceeds you may bid for any part you need to
complete a film from another player – but keep an eye on your
cash- it can soon go!
The winner, at the end of the game, is the player who has
made films to the highest value plus the value of all his assets
and cash. Good shooting.
Place the board in the centre of the play area. Each player
selects a coloured playing piece. Shuffle the pack of
Production Cards and place them face down on the board.
Place the Location Cards, Distribution Cards, and Charity
Performance Cards in their appropriate places on the board.
Elect one player to be banker. The banker gives 750 000 £ to
each player, including himself, and places the balance of cash
in a convenient location with the Oscar pieces.
What you need to make a film
To complete one film the player needs:
1. A Film Story
2. A Male Film Star
3. A Female Film Star
4. A Director
5. A Location unit or units
These cards are obtained and bought when the player lands
on ‘Take Production Card’. Location units can be bought
when the player lands on ‘Location Units available’.
What your film is worth
The value of your film depends upon the production cards
accumulated for the making of each film. You can collect
any combination of production cards to make a film. It is an
advantage however if, for example, Turk Logan who is an
Epic film star, is matched with an Epic story rather than a
Comedy. It means that once you have completed a film it will
earn you more money at the box office.
You therefore have the choice of aiming to make a high value
film collecting the appropriate cast for each film or taking
pot-luck with a mixture of different people in your film.
Films, film stars and directors are graded in the following
The Films
Epic Story
– worth 5 000 000 £ on completion
Historical Story
– worth 4 000 000 £ on completion
Comedy Story
– worth 3 000 000 £ on completion
Musical Story
– worth 3 000 000 £ on completion
Western Story
– worth 2 000 000 £ on completion
Horror Story
– worth 1 000 000 £ on completion
The Film Stars
John Haines Jnr. Western Star
Dan Thacker Western Star
Rosa Lee Western Star
Sheila Wild Western Star
Frank N. Stein Horror Star
Count Vampire Horror Star
Lucretia ffang Horror Star
Hermione Hyde Horror Star
Richard C. Redford Epic Star
Turk Logan Epic Star
Caron Myers Epic Star
Rosanna Rhodes Epic Star
Rupert Jago Historical Star
Cecil C. Wolfe Historical Star
Vanessa Yardley Historical Star
Vivienne Orde Historical Star
Ronald Rombach Musical/Comedy Star
Dancy Scott Musical/Comedy Star
Dolores de la Rue Musical/Comedy Star
Laura Lovejoy Musical/Comedy Star
Lou Cumins Musical/Comedy Star
Harold Foy Musical/Comedy Star
Meryl Munro Musical/Comedy Star
Bila Bliss Musical/Comedy Star
The Directors
First Class Directors: Friedrich von Einstein
Meyer Wallenstein
Solomon Galt
Second Class Directors: J. J. Hackensack
L. P. Bailey
Barnum Flickstein
Third Class Directors: Norbert Barrington
Prince Oliver
William G. Grant
Fourth Class Directors: Otis P. Goopher
Sultan Spokes
Reginald Ponsonby
Obviously more locations are needed for an Epic film than for
a Horror film. The player requires the following number of
location cards to complete his film:
4 location cards for an Epic film
3 location cards for an Historical film
2 location cards for a Comedy film
2 location cards for a Musical film
2 location cards for a Western film
1 location card for a Horror film
Assessing the value of your film
Each production card has a face value which is payable on
purchase to the Bank. When it becomes part of a completed
film its value increases. To assess the value of any
combination of cards collected in a completed film, refer to
the table on the face of each card.
Players can make a film using cards of their choice, but once
a film has been completed cards cannot be substituted.
Players roll both dice for the highest score to determine who
goes first. Highest player then rolls the dice and moves his
piece the number of places indicated starting at “Box Office”.
(Rolling doubles does not permit a second consecutive turn)
If a player lands on a space which says:
Take Production Card
The player takes the top card from the production card pack
that has been placed face down on the board. The player can,
having examined the card, elect to do one of two things:
1. He can buy the card
The player can buy at the face value shown from the
2. He can auction the card
If the player decides he does not want the card it is
auctioned and goes to the highest bidder from the
other players. The money goes to the bank.
If the player does not buy the card, or receives no offers from
the other players, he returns it to the bank by placing it face
down on the box marked “Production Box”. This card plays
no further part in the game. All cards in a player’s possession
must be in full view of the other players.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Location Cards available
The player can buy the number of location cards available
shown on the square from the bank. He may, having bought
them, sell them to another player. They cannot be returned to
the Production Box. If no location cards are available play
If a player lands on a space which says:
Odeon Classic Rank Granada ABC
Essoldo Distribution
This is an optional purchase. If a player decides to buy the
Distribution Company, and it has not been bought by another
player he can pay the bank the face value of 300 000 £.
Having bought the Company, the player is entitled to collect
50 000 £ rental from any other player that lands on his space,
plus 100 000 £ in addition for each completed film that
player may have.
The value of each film is increased for each Distribution
Company the owner has. A table showing the value is
printed on each distribution card.
If the player decides he does not want the Distribution
Company he cannot offer it to another player on that turn. He
can, however, buy the Company and sell or auction it to
another player on a subsequent turn.
The Box Office
Immediately a player has completed a film, i.e. has a
complete set of production cards comprising a Film, a Male
Film Star, a Female Film Star, a Director and the required
number of location cards to make that film, he collects 10%
(1/10) of the completion value shown on the set of production
cards each time he passes Box Office.
The value of location units held does not count towards the
value of a completed film when assessing Box Office money.
Completed Films
The following calculations are examples:
Example 1
You hold worth
an Epic Story………………………… 5 000 000 £ on completion
a First Class Director
Solomon Galt…………………….. 500 000 £ on completion
an Epic Male Star
Turk Logan……………………….. 500 000 £ on completion
an Epic Female Star
Caron Myers……………………… 500 000 £ on completion
Total 6 500 000 £
10% (1/10) of total film value …….. 650 000 £
Each time player passes box office, collect 650 000 £ from
the bank.
Example 2
You hold worth
an Epic Story………………………… 5 000 000 £ on completion
a Second Class Director
L. P. Bailey……………………….. 300 000 £ on completion
a Comedy Male Star
Dancy Scott ………………………. 400 000 £ on completion
a Horror Female Star
Lucretia ffang ……………………. 100 000 £ on completion
Total 5 800 000 £
10% (1/10) of total film value …….. 580 000 £
Each time player passes box office, collect 580 000 £ from
the bank.
If a player lands on a space which says
Win an Oscar
And has a completed film, he collects an Oscar from the
Banker, and adds 500 000 £ in value to one completed film
he has made. This amount is also added to the value of his
completed film when assessing the money to be drawn when
passing the Box Office. An Oscar cannot be sold to any other
player or returned to the Bank for cash. An Oscar can only
be used on one film. The choice of film is the player’s. If a
player has not completed a film he cannot accept an Oscar. A
film can only receive one Oscar.
Example 3
You hold worth
a Western Story …………………….. 2 000 000 £ on completion
a Fourth Class Director
Sultan Spokes ……………………. 100 000 £ on completion
an Epic Male Star
Turk Logan……………………….. 200 000 £ on completion
a Musical Female Star
Laura Lovejoy……………………. 200 000 £ on completion
Total 2 500 000 £
Add value of Oscar …………………… 500 000 £
Total 3 000 000 £
10% (1/10) of total film value…….. 300 000 £
Each time player passes box office, collect 300 000 £ from
the bank.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Bank to pay bearer
He receives the amount shown from the Bank in cash.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Complete box office flop lose last film
He must, if he has a completed film, return the Production
Cards and the Location Cards to the Production Box. If the
player has more than one film, it must be the last film
completed. If the film has an Oscar it is also returned.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Star trouble lose next go and pay 50 000 £
The player must miss the next turn and pay the Bank
50 000 £ in cash, even if he does not possess a film star at the
beginning of the game.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Star walkout lose Star to Production Box
He must forfeit a Male or Female Film Star Production Card
in his possession, unless it is part of a completed film, to
Production Box. If no star is held play continues.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Retake required pay 100 000 £ or lose 2 goes
The player has the option of paying the Bank in cash
100 000 £ or losing his next two turns. This applies at any
stage of the game.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Director loss
He must forfeit a Director Production Card in his possession,
unless it is part of a completed film, to Production Box. If no
Director is held play continues.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Sponsor Charity Performance pay 50 000 £
The player pays 50 000 £ to the Bank in cash , and receives a
Charity Performance card.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Publicity break gain 200 000 £
The player receives 200 000 £ only if he has paid for a
Charity Performance Card. This must be returned to the
Bank in exchange for the money.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Location Unit licence lost, lose unit
The player must return one location card, unless it is part of a
completed film, to the location square. If none held play
If a player lands on a space which says:
Bad publicity for studio lose 500 000 £ per
completed film
The player must pay the Bank 500 000 £ for each completed
film in his possession.
If a player lands on a space which says:
Bad weather pay 100 000 £ per story
The player has to pay 100 000 £ for each film story card held
—which has not been made into a completed film.
Bidding and negotiation between players can take place at
any time for Production Cards, Location Cards and
Distribution Companies. Oscars cannot be bought or sold.
Players at their turn have priority to bid and negotiate if they
decide to do so. No bidding between players can take place
until priority bidding has ceased.
This will ensure the game continues smoothly. Bidding can
be done for cash, exchange or both.
Players may exchange Production Cards, Location Cards and
Distribution Companies between themselves. They may not
exchange these from the Production Box.
If you run out of money
If you run out of cash, you must sell any production cards,
distribution cards, or location cards either to the Bank at
“knockdown” value, or alternatively, you can sell them to any
other player. If you sell your cards to the Bank they are
returned to the Production Box. Location cards are returned
to the appropriate square. If a player runs out of both cash
and assets, he is declared bankrupt and can take no further
part in the game.
“Knockdown” value is half the face value.
Borrowing on a completed film
Borrowing cash or assets from the Bank or players is not
allowed, except for loans on completed films. If a film is
used as collateral, the bank will give half its total completion
value as a loan. This may be redeemed by the player if he
returns all the loan plus a fee of 1 000 000 £. When a film is
used as collateral it becomes the property of the Bank until
such time as it is redeemed.
Completing the game
The game ends when the last production card is taken by the
player who lands on a space which says “Take Production
Card”. The player taking the last card is allowed to use the
card to complete a film or auctions the card to another player
who may also use the card to complete a film. If desired the
game can continue by playing any cards that have
accumulated in the Production Box. These are shuffled,
placed face down and the game continues until these cards
are exhausted. If a short game is required each player is dealt
four cards from “production” square at the commencement of
the game.
At the end of the game each player adds up his cash assets:
a Value of completed films at completion value plus
Oscars, if any.
b Value of Distribution Companies at completed film
c Value of Distribution Companies at cost if no
completed film is held.
d Face value of miscellaneous production cards held.
e Total value of location cards held (50 000 £ each).
f Cash in hand.
The Winner
The player having the greatest total assets and cash is the
The names of film stars and characters and their portraits in this game are
entirely fictitious. Any similarity in name or face to any person or persons living
or dead is purely coincidental.
My favourite board game of all time! My brother and I have been playing it for years with friends and family, and even in our early twenties we bring it out for something different.
I am in South Africa but I don't know anyone else who had it. It belonged to my dad's family who had a big collection of board games. Some of the oscar statues are missing, I only have about 3 left, but otherwise it's complete. Great game.
I am a South African too, and I remember this game from my childhood. Best game I ever played, am looking to buy one again, and it retails for about 120USD on Ebay. No way.
@Bekker Was it a different version of Movie Maker in South Africa or a USA version?
A true classic. I have many fond memories playing this with my mates until the early hours of the morning. I’m looking for someone who owns a copy of the game and would be willing to scan the board and all of the cards for me. I’ve always wanted to create a pc remake of it.
I also had great fun playing the game as a child and when I hunted it out for our own children I couldn’t find it. I’ve gradually replaced the game over time but am still missing the rules if anyone is prepared to send a photocopy of their’s?
If we get the Movie Maker rules, we will post them on this thread for you
@ Judith I have the rules somewhere for Movie Maker
I’ll see if i can scan the rules for you
I am amazed to see this. I received this game when I was about 9 or 10 – it is sitting in a closet collecting dust. I have all the parts, it is complete other than a bit of wear on the money and probably the cards. Didn’t think people would still be looking for this. Makes me think I should dust it off and take a look at it – always liked the little oscars.
I have been looking for this game for a while. I live in Canada (Ottawa). Please contact me at if you are interested in selling.
I would like to buy this game. I played this game
with my friends and family, when i was young. now my kids
love to play this game. they played this game on holiday
in South Africa. now they want me to buy this game for them
I tried to get the game for them.but i cannot find it any where
so if you could let me know from where i could get one
thank you
I have seen it on ebay a few times Eric – but it can go for a good price.
The last movie maker went for £50 on the UK ebay
I want to buy this game. I live in Canada (Ottawa). Please contact me at Roger
Bit of a long shot this one given the time passed since subject first raised. I am writing an app to do all the money accounting whilst playing the game – automated box office come banking app with al the graphics. It’s just a pet project n my spare time – my family play the game from time to time (it’s my all time favourite).
Has anyone got an image of the Sultan Spokes director card (does it exist?) as I have Wally Rubenstein instead.
Any takers?
I have the South African edition and I do have the rules if anyone wants them scanned still (in English & Afrikaans). I used to love this game but I have to say I only play it now out of nostalgia, preferring the modern crop of games such as Lords of Waterdeep, Ticket to Ride, Dominion, Carcassonne, Cleopatra etc etc. Boardgames are enjoying something of a Golden Age right now.
Perversely, although some action spaces are explained in detail, the rules include no clarification for the “LOSE EPIC star, director or story”. Clearly the Epic story is self explanatory but any director and any actor can star in an epic story. My own interpretation is that this should refer to an actor worth 500K in an Epic and only to 1st class directors i.e. it’s a spot where you lose a high value card.
We play it that you lose any director, epic story or epic actor. It’s tough at times but that’s show business I guess 🙂
Yeah we took it to mean any director
We played this game over and over in the late 1970’s. Not only did we play the usual game but we had to create the films names and create posters..sadly it all went missing when I moved out of my parents house. ..But I still have one camera at home.
I recently found a complete copy of the south african version, box is a bit tatty though.
I had it in UK as a child, just shipped it here to Australia. Players it last night with my own family. Love it it our game is complete and in good condition. Brought back many memories.
We still play this game. Only now we play with our kids 🙂 They LOVE it. Such a clever game – if only it was still being sold.
Can anyone assist with scans of this game or even the game itself?
I live in Centurion in South Africa.
I have the game, but I am missing 13 production cards. Does anyone have an incomplete game that he/she wants to sell for spares? (I live in Durbanville, South Africa)
I usr to play this in the mid seventies so many happy memories come flooding back good to see that im not the only one lucretia is my favourite
Just stumbled across this site. Interesting to see I was not the only one that played this classic board game from yesteryear. I used to play it with my cousins in Cape Town back in the 1980’s and battled to find a copy of it anywhere. Several years ago i managed to outsource a UK copy. (Cost me a small fortune) but it was worth it.
Just stumbled across this site while thinking about movie maker. I’ve been playing this game for years first as a kid now with my kids & family ( my mom) also Best game ever we still play it mostly in summer out at your camp along with other games such as Stock Ticker & i game i bought here in Canada called Poleconomy also family favourite
Just stumbled across this site while thinking about movie maker. I’ve been playing this game for years first as a kid now with my kids & family ( my mom) also Best game ever we still play it mostly in summer out at your camp along with other games such as Stock Ticker & i game i bought here in Canada called Poleconomy also family favourite