The All-New Mickey Mouse Club

The All-New Mickey Mouse Club

Synopsis of Saturday Morning Show

Britney Spears. Christina Aguilera. Keri Russell. JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake of N-Sync. What do these fabulously famous teens have in common besides being, well, fabulously famous teens? They were, one and all, Mouseketeers.

In 1989, Disney decided to bring back its popular children's show with an All-New Mickey Mouse Club, utilizing a format similar to the original series from the 1950’s. However, this teen variety show, which included an MTV-like atmosphere of lovely, young singers and dancers, was missing one very noticeable element. Somehow, the producers nixed the round Mickey Mouse ears which were a prominent feature of the 50's and 70's Mickey Mouse Club versions.

The televised All-New Mickey Mouse Club was an extension of the live shows which were performed at the Disney theme parks. The series, which augmented the music video sequences with comedy bits reminiscent of You Can’t Do That On Television, lasted from 1989 to 1994. In 1993, MMC, as they liked to be called, released a television special called MMC in Concert.

A veritable incubator of 90's pop and TV sensations, The All-New Mickey Mouse Club insured our supply of teeny-bopper talent for years to come.

Release History

1989 - 1994 Disney

TV Sub Categories


TV Studio


Television Cast

Josh Ackerman Himself
Christina Aguilera Herself
Lindsey Alley Herself
Rhona Bennett Herself
Nita Booth Herself
Mylin Brooks Herself
Brandy Brown Herself
Blaine Carson Himself
JC Chasez Himself
Braden Danner Himself
Tasha Danner Herself
Nikki DeLoach Herself
TJ Fantini Himself
Albert Fields Himself
Dale Godboldo Himself
Ryan Gosling Himself
Tiffini Hale Herself
Chase Hampton Himself
Raquel Herring Herself
David Kater Himself
Tony Lucca Himself
Ricky Luna Himself
Tate Lynche Himself
Deedee Magno Herself
Jennifer McGill Herself
Terra McNair Herself
Ilana Miller Herself
Jason Minor Himself
Terri Misner Herself
Matt Morris Himself
Fred Newman Himself
Kevin Osgood Himself
Damon Pampolina Himself
Mowava Pryor Herself
Keri Russell Herself
Britney Spears Herself
Justin Timberlake Himself
Marc Worden Himself

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