

Synopsis of Saturday Morning Show

In the year 2076, a group of teenagers, as teenagers often do, formed a band. They called themselves The Neptunes, with Biff on guitar, Shelly on tambourine, Bubbles on piano, and Clam-Head on cello. Not getting the sound they wanted, the band was faced with difficult questions: Where are we going to play? Do we need a drummer? and, perhaps most importantly, Why is there a cello in our rock band? Deciding to tackle the drummer issue first, they turned to their good friend Jabberjaw.

Jabberjaw brought several things to the table. Aside from the fact that he was a terrific drummer, he was very funny. That would come in handy during those lonely nights on the road. He was also a real shark at the negotiating table. As a matter of fact, he was a real shark everywhere. A great white, to be exact. The band now complete, The Neptunes would ride in the Aquacar to their concert dates, playing bubblegum pop tunes and inexplicably getting mixed up with criminals in nearly every episode.

Jabberjaw constantly whined about getting no respect, a trademark of comedian Rodney Dangerfield, yet his voice and mannerisms were eerily reminiscent of Curly from The Three Stooges.

The show ran for two seasons, the second of which was composed entirely of repeats. The shark himself reappeared later in the decade as a competitor on Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics.

Release History

9/11/76 - 9/3/77 ABC

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TV Studio


Television Cast

Jabberjaw Frank Welker
Biff Tommy Cook
Shelly Pat Paris
Bubbles Julie McWhirter
Clam-Head Barry Gordon

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