

Fashion Synopsis

One step dressing for all ages, through the ages.

The jumpsuit was first produced in 1913 as the Lee-Union-All, created by the H.D. Lee Mercantile Company. The one-piece suit would become the official military doughboy uniform, or flightsuit, during WWI, and the revolutionary garment was soon adopted as a work uniform for everyone from farmers to factory workers.

During World War II, the coverall was borrowed by ‘Rosie the Riveter,' as women entered the factories once the men went to war. Called boilersuits in the 40’s, these one-piece pantsuits gave women the freedom to move about in dangerous professions without catching skirts in machines, or dripping sleeves into gears.

Children of the 50’s suited up in the coveralls, which were now dubbed playsuits. Made of durable cotton flannel or corduroy, this one-piece wonder made it easy for young tykes to dress for after-school funtime. Older kids got to play out the fantasy of adulthood in the 1960’s with playsuits like “Jr. Handyman” or “New Space Commander,” both available from Sears.

The comfort and convenience of the coverall helped it maintain a stable position in the children’s and workman’s wardrobe until fashion stole the garment for its own purposes in the 60’s. Renamed the jumpsuit after the colorful suits worn by parachute plane jumpers, the one-piece unisex coverall moved from rugged wear to casual and even formal attire. Coveralls were pushed to the title of grubby workwear, and jumpsuits landed as fashion.

The 60’s jumpsuit expressed itself best in bold floral prints in sleek nylon fabrics. The wide-legged, sleeveless jumpsuit became the perfect loungewear for the new leisure class. The 70’s funkified the jumpsuit, giving it a unisex foxy flare in double knit polyester. Topped off with a wide waist belt and a turtleneck underneath for casual moments, or bejeweled for formal occasions, the jumpsuit battled with the leisure suit for favorite 70’s fashion.

Even the King of Rock and Roll knew the power behind the one-piece wonder. Elvis made his comeback resplendent in bejeweled and studded jumpsuits that will remain in the hearts and minds of fans everywhere. The 80’s jumpsuit took a lesson from the King’s excess, bedazzling the denim and cotton jumpsuits with silver studs and jewels.

No longer would you be late for first period biology because you stood in front of your closet all morning looking for the perfect shirt to go with your stonewash denim skirt. The all-in-one wonder of the jumpsuit freed you from the daily dilemmas of dressing.

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