Electric Youth perfume

Electric Youth perfume

Fashion Synopsis

Debbie Gibson not only shook the 80’s world up with her hit pop songs, she also lent an album title to a flirty teen fragrance. Named after Gibson’s 1989 triple-platinum album Electric Youth and marketed by Revlon cosmetics, Electric Youth perfume infected teenage girls with the spirit of Debbie Gibson’s fun-loving charm.

Gibson’s popularity soared because of her clean-cut persona and romantically charged songs. Electric Youth perfume followed in the pre-teen draw of Love’s Baby Soft, and was a mildly sweet but innocent trial of the flirty power of perfumes to come.

The perfume came encased in a box styled after a neon sign, highlighting the energy behind the perfume and attracting girls with its bold and bright packaging. But in a fickle pop and product market, Electric Youth sat on the shelf only as long as Miss Gibson’s hits sat on the Top-10 list. Both slowly faded from the spotlight and made their way to the bargain bins. Debbie Gibson made a Broadway comeback as a grown-up Deborah, but to date, the perfume hasn’t been so lucky.

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