Barrel of Monkeys

Barrel of Monkeys

Synopsis of Toy

First it was an expression, then a classic game. Barrel of Monkeys was a nifty game that helped build hand-eye coordination as it lived up to the promise: “more fun than a barrel of monkeys.” It also boasted a combination of addictive challenges and colorful fun that has allowed it to stay popular with kids for well over three decades.

Lakeside Toys first introduced Barrel of Monkeys in 1966. It only took seconds to learn, but the challenge could keep players hooked for hours. Inside that plastic barrel were twelve little plastic monkeys, their little arms and hands extended so they could easily hook onto each other. The game began with the players emptying the monkeys out of the barrel and into a pile on the floor or a table. The objective was to connect all twelve of the monkeys by looping their little arms into one long simian string.

Though it has been known to drive some players bananas, Barrel of Monkeys has remained popular through the years and can still be found at toy stores today, currently made by Milton Bradley. If you’re in the mood to monkey around, then Barrel of Monkeys is the perfect pastime to make it happen.

Release History of Toy

1966 - Barrel of Monkeys

Sub Categories of Toys


Toy and Game Manufacturer

Milton Bradley

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